Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR)
The membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) technology is a cutting-edge wastewater treatment technology that hybridizes gas membrane technology with biofilm technology. Direct oxygen delivery to the biofilm can be obtained by passing air through the hollow fiber membranes. Oxygen and organic substrates (nutrients) enter the biofilm from two different sides. This creates a cross-transport of the substrates allowing the biofilm to form distinct layers possessing unique properties that can achieve single-stage COD and nitrogen removal. By combining the multi-functional biofilm and the highly efficient membrane-facilitated oxygen delivery system, a cost-effective wastewater treatment solution can be obtained, therefore giving it technical advantages, cost advantages, engineering advantages, and operational advantages over conventional water treatment technologies.​
The oxygen-permeable hollow fiber membrane directly supplies oxygen to the biofilm attached to the surface of the membrane; the biofilm is also in complete contact with the polluted water on the other side. Due to the direct transfer of oxygen, the oxygen transfer rate can reach well over 60% making it up to 3-4 more efficient than conventional wastewater treatment methods. The reverse mass transfer of oxygen and pollutants in the biofilm allows for the formation of its unique multi-functional layered biofilm where aerobic zones and active anaerobic zones all exist within the same system. This allows for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification to occur. The organic matter and nitrogen compounds contained in the sewage are adsorbed and decomposed within the biofilm, thereby treating the sewage.
Aeration efficiency
Highly energy efficient due to its high aeration efficiency (its O2 utilization rate is over 60% and can theoretically reach 100%) and large specific aeration area per unit volume.
Simultaneous nitrification & denitrification
The biofilm in MABR systems enables simultaneous removal of COD and nitrogen through active aerobic and anaerobic/anoxic zones, achieving efficient and compact nitrification and denitrification.
Bubble-less aeration
Bubbleless aeration mitigates the problem of air stripping volatile compounds which causes air pollution; also, it will not cause foaming by surfactants in the water.
​Versatile Wastewater Remediation
Not limited to treating conventional sewage water, the MABR is also capable of cultivating specialized microorganisms with unique properties that can be used to remediate various types of wastewaters.